Thursday, February 24, 2011

Review: The Tudor Secret by C.W. Gortner

Brendan Prescott never knew his parents, or even who his parents were. He was raised by a servant of the powerful Dudley family, Mistress Alice, alongside the four Dudley sons. At the age of twenty, he is sent to the court of young Edward VI to serve Robert Dudley.

In the waning days of Edward's short life the political plots are roiling. Court is a dangerous place to be and within days of his arrival Brendan is plunged into the complex webs that are being woven by both William Cecil, Princess Elizabeth's closest advisor, and John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who controls the fate of Edward VI.

Cecil, in fact, sees something worthwhile in Brendan and recruits him as part of his extensive spy network. Cecil's instructions put Brendan at odds with his duties to Robert, making him a double agent. In spite of that, Brendan puts his wits and natural intelligence to work in support of the woman who wins his loyalty the first minute he sees her, Princess Elizabeth.

As Brendan is drawn further into the tumultuous reality of the court, he will be tested in multiple ways. His very survival will require all of his concentration, quick thinking and courage.

This novel has a fast pace and a thrilling plot that will keep you turning pages as fast as you can. I particularly enjoyed the portrayal of twenty year old Elizabeth, already forced to use all of her abilities to stay alive, biding her time until the throne of England is rightfully hers. For those of you who might be having a little Tudor burnout let me just say that you will not be disappointed in C.W. Gortner...a historical novelist who blows a breath of fresh air into the vast Tudor genre with his latest novel.

For more information about the author and his books, please visit his website. For my review of his first book, The Last Queen, click here.

The Tudor Secret (The Elizabeth I Spymaster Chronicles) is published by St. Martin's Griffin, ISBN 978-0-312-65850-2.

This novel has been getting great reviews all over the blogosphere....check some of them out!

Booking Mama
CelticLady's Reviews
Historically Obsessed
My Friend Amy
Passages to the Past
Peeking Between the Pages
The Burton Review


bermudaonion said...

Wow, everyone seems to love this book! I need to check it out!

Zibilee said...

I am so thrilled about this book and really want to try it. It sounds like it's a really great read, and since I love everything Tudor, I can't pass this one up. Great review and glad to hear that you liked it!

Sheila Deeth said...

Sounds fun. I'll look out for it.

Swapna said...

I actually had some issues with this book, but I completely agree that it's enjoyable. Great review!

CLM said...

Sounds great, but is he Irish? I am troubled by his name.

Janice said...

I smell royalty in this book. Since then I got curious about how their life goes on everyday. And surely this book will certainly give me allusions.

Teddy Rose said...

It was so awesome to meet you in NYC!

sandeep@W3logics said...

I am so thrilled about this book and really want to try it. It sounds like it's a really great read, and since I love everything Tudor, I can't pass this one up. Great review and glad to hear that you liked it!I loved the way you narrate the post… Thanks for that
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Register domain said...

Great review about it and seems awesome. Thanks and keep sharing.

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qaiserumar said...

The Tudor Secret by C.W. Gortner is a historical thriller set in the Tudor era, following Brendan Prescott, a spy uncovering dangerous secrets in the court of Edward VI. The novel blends intrigue, betrayal, and political conspiracy.

Thoughts from an Evil Overlord

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New Hampshire, United States
Bibliophile, Anglophile, Traveller... I have been an avid reader all of my life, since I took the Dr. Seuss Dictionary away from my Mom when I was less than a year old because I wanted to read it myself. In college, where I earned my degree in English Literature, I was often asked "What are you going to do with it?" Now I finally have the answer to that question!!! Being employed as a Flight Attendant for twenty years has given me a lot of life experience and, better still, a lot of time to read. I love to travel for fun, too.