Elizabeth is not a woman to sit by and allow events to happen to her. She knows that she is one of the most beautiful women in the country, so she contrives a meeting with the new King to ask for the return of her lands. He is well known to be swayed by an attractive face, and Elizabeth proves to be no exception. But she has something that others don't, a mind that matches her beauty and intrigues Edward from the moment he meets her. He marries her, despite every single one of his supporters being against the match, despite her family's position against him in the recent wars, despite everything.
Though the time they live in is turbulent and dangerous, they truly love each other and have a fruitful marriage that is blessed with many children. As Queen of England, Elizabeth is in a position of power, she would be less than human if she did not use her position to better the lives of those she loves. Her relatives receive honors and wealth, the family's rise creates ill will and outright enemies. She and her mother are both accused of witchcraft as the tide of opinion swells against them. Though both she and Edward rule in the hope of peace, they are unable to escape the factions that crave power. The Cousins' War is far from over.
This is the Philippa Gregory that we love! It is a fantastic historical novel about that most reviled English Queen, Elizabeth Woodville. I have never read any book, fiction or non, that does not portray her as a scheming bitch. Here, at last, is a balanced look at a woman who rose to the pinnacle of power in her world. Did it take some plotting? Yes, of course it did, no one got anywhere in those days without some scheming. Could she be nasty, petty, ambitious? Yes, to those too. She was envied, she was beautiful, she was fighting for the people she loved: her husband and children. The picture here is of a normal woman, not perfect, not evil. Just doing what she thought she had to do to save her family and ensure their place in the world. There is no question that her reputation was spread by people who hated her. The world will never know the truth, but the great fun of historical fiction is the speculation, and the author does that here, giving us another exceptional story.
This book is the first in a planned trilogy that will revolve around the Cousins' War and relate the events from different points of view. The next book will be The Red Queen and will be the story of Margaret Beaufort, the mother of Henry Tudor. I can't wait to read it, I'm excited about it already! One person in history that comes off looking worse than Elizabeth Woodville is definitely Margaret Beaufort! Again, always portrayed as a nasty you-know-what. Writing about the same time period from the points of view of rival factions is just an inspired idea! More, please!!
For more information about the author and all of her books, please visit her website.
The White Queen
I have one copy to give away! To enter, just leave me a comment here. The winner will be drawn at random and must have a US or Canada mailing address. Enter thru midnight eastern on September 1. Below are some ways for you to earn extra entries. Please leave ONE comment for each thing you choose to do. You can combine your comments together if you like but please do not leave multiple comments for the same extra thing (for example, one comment if you fave at Technorati or subscribe via Feedburner, not three). Thank you for visiting and entering!!
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Good review, btw. As usual.
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No need to enter me - I have actually read non-fiction that doesn't portray her as a scheming bitch, for the record. Most of it actually seems to ignore her except to comment on the peculiarity of Edward's choice of wife. But I don't think most of what I read is available outside of a university library. It's pretty easy to see why the other nobles hated the Woodvilles even if they didn't deserve it - there were a ton of them and they took a lot of the highborn marriageable society out! =)
Anyway, yes, I agree, it was nice to have her a normal person and not evil in fiction for once! And I do agree that Philippa Gregory is a great storyteller.
I have heard lots of good things about this book. Love to have a copy!
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I've never read any of Philippa Gregory's work and I'm not sure this is the one I'd want to start with, so I'm not going to enter. Your love of the book shows, though!
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I just love the cover to this book and your review is wonderful.
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I already have this one -- so glad it's good!
We just got our copy at the library but I want my own! I follow via Bloglines (of course I follow....)
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Reading your review reinforces my desire to read this book!
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Please enter my name in your draw. I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks.
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I really enjoyed this novel, too! I don't think there will ever be another novel like The Other Boleyn Girl (if for any other reason than I read that novel first), but this story had great action, interesting mysticism, and interesting characters - you never knew who the villain was. I'm looking forward to The Red Queen, too!
I would love to win this book. She is one of my favorite authors.
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So now will you pick me? What? Fair drawings and equal chances for everyone? Bah! ;)
Please enter me! I've heard great things about this one.
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:) Erica
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I want this so bad :D
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I really want to read this book.
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Great author so must be a great book!
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
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Steph -- laughingstars66@yahoo.com
This book looks good.
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i love phillipa Gregory's work, Please enter me... I'm already a follower
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ps at the bottom of the page where you talk about studying literature-there is a typo in literature-seems more like quick tying misplaced
blogged about it at chocolateandcroissants
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
Not being a Philippa Gregory fan, I had decided to pass on this novel, but recent reviews make me think this may be a pretty good book. Please count me in for the giveaway.
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I'd love to read this!! Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Thank you, Esme! I fixed it. I can't believe that I have been up for over a year and never noticed that! I do try to proofread!!
please count me in - this book sounds so good!
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Great review! I am so super excited about this book, and hope that I get a chance to read it soon. Please enter me in this giveaway!
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This book about historical fiction is one that I have been wanting to read. Please enter me into this giveaway for The White Queen.
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I love British history, so I'd really enjoy this book!
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please count me in...thanks.
karen k
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karen k
I would love to read this book and then pass it on to my granddaughters!
Thank you!
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I would love to win this book- looks very interesting and I love the cover
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I would love to win this, the War of the Roses fascinates me.
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I'm rushing through my Alison Weir in anticipation of the arrival of The White Queen. I'm so excited! Thank you for the chance.
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Thanks so much for all the extra entries. Hope they bring good luck!
I have been waiting for this novel and hoping to win a copy! Thank you for the chance.
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This is a great contest.
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Sounds good! Would love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks!
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