Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Giveaway: Sand Sharks by Margaret Maron

I just love it when a great new mystery comes out, especially when it is one in a wonderful series. Just out is Margaret Maron's Sand Sharks and Miriam at Hachette Book Group has provided me with five copies to give away (thank you, Miriam!)! Here's a bit more about the latest in the author's Deborah Knott series--this synopsis is from the publisher:

When Judge Deborah Knott travels to Wrightsville Beach for a summer conference for North Carolina District Court Judges, she stumbles upon the body of one of her colleagues. Meanwhile, Deborah's husband, Sheriff's Deputy Dwight Bryant, is in Virginia with his son, tying up loose ends left by the death of his first wife. When another judge is found murdered at the conference, it soon becomes evident that Deborah may be the killer's next target. Her relaxing trip to the seaside soon transforms into a harrowing experience, and she must summon all of her strength and investigative expertise to track down the culprit before she becomes the next victim.

To enter, just leave me a comment here. The winner will be drawn at random and must have a US or Canada mailing address, no PO Boxes please. Enter thru midnight eastern on September 4. Below are some ways for you to earn extra entries. Please leave ONE comment for each thing you choose to do. You can combine your comments together if you like but please do not leave multiple comments for the same extra thing (for example, one comment if you fave at Technorati or subscribe via Feedburner, not three). Thank you for visiting and entering!!

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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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bermudaonion said...

I'd love to be entered in your great giveaway! milou2ster(at)
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...
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Liz Mays said...

Ok, let's try this all again. I need some sleep or some caffeine!

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MurderMysteryMayhem said...

Ohhh! A new mystery...please sign me up.

Thanks LooseEnds AT Snet Dot Net

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Unknown said...

I love the Deborah Knott mysteries! I am also a follower.

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

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wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

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wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Book Bird Dog said...

Hi: I love mysteries!

Am already a follower and just clicked on Technocrati.

Stephanie said...

I love the Deborah Knott series, too. I am looking forward to this one! :-)

Unknown said...

I've also blogged about this giveaway here.


Julie P. said...

I am dying to read this one.

I'm already a follower and I faved your blog on technorati!

Anonymous said...

I love mystery books...please count me in. thanks.

karen k

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower :)

karen k

tetewa said...

Haven't read a good mystery in awile, count me in!

scottsgal said...

sounds great please count me in

already a follower

subscribe via google reader

msboatgal at

Rebecca C said...

I would love to read this novel, I have never heard of this author and not read one of her books before.

I am a long time follower

I tweeted at ccqdesigns


Rebecca C said...

Sorry, here is the actual link to my tweety.

Anonymous said...

I love books in this genre. Please count me in.

I am a current follower.

bstilwell12 AT comcast DOT net

Anonymous said...

I have favd you on Technorati.

bstilwell12 AT comcast DOT net

Linda said...

Sounds exciting! Please count me in.

Linda said...

I follow your blog through Google Reader. Hope that counts for extra entry.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway:

bstilwell12 AT comcast DOT net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Feedburner and Google.

bstilwell12 AT comcast DOT net

Sue said...

I love a great mystery. Thanks for sharing this.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

mrsshukra said...

I would like to be entered!


Google reader subscriber!


holdenj said...

Sounds great! Would love to be entered.

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Beth (BBRB) said...

This looks interesting! Please enter me!

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Beth (BBRB) said...

I'm a follower.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Pam said...

This sounds good! Enter me please!

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melacan at hotmail dot com

Kat Bryan said...

I'd like to find out exactly what the title means and I love a good mystery.

+3 I'm an email subscriber.

winterset AT

Luvdaylilies said...

I would really like to read this~please enter me!
Thanks for the giveaway=)

+1 I follow

Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

rubynreba said...

I'd love to be entered - thanks!

ossmcalc said...

I would really like to read this book. Please enter me into this giveaway.

Thank you,


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ossmcalc said...


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Thank you,


Lee P said...

I love reading mysteries! Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.


Lee P said...



Lee P said...

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Lee P said...

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Unknown said...

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Technorati fave - bridget3420

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bettycd said...

Sand Sharks sounds like a great read
+1 follower
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+3 faved on Technorati betty dennis

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

Debs Desk said...

I am a subscriber.

cqueen2 said...

thanks count me in:)

wadesherry@hotmail dot com

cqueen2 said...

i follow

wadesherry@hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

need some reading for vaca..thx for contest

KR said...

I'd love this.

I follow


Unknown said...

A business conference gone bad? Doesn't sound like fun in real life, but the book sounds great! Please enter me.

I am a follower!


Marie said...

I would love to read this.

I am a follower.

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

+1 I am a current follower

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I posted this on Twitter theblindcupid

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

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Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

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Belinda M said...

Please include me in your giveaway

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Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I am a follower and would like very much to win this book.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Gaby317 said...

i love mysteries and this sounds so fun!

thank you for the entry.
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com

+ 1 current follower
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Jennifer said...

I adore mysteries and I am unfamiliar with the series, so thank you for introducing me and giving me a chance!
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Cherie J said...

Please enter me in the drawing. This book sounds so good. Thank you!


Cherie J said...

I signed up today to be a follower.

Belinda M said...

Please include me in your giveaway

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Belinda M said...

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lag123 said...

Please enter me

LoveMyCoffee said...

Another great book for the giveaway. Count me in.
I am a follower

minishoes1 said...

I have been wanting to read this! Please count me in.
+3 Subscribe through google reader.
+1 I follow.

Anita Yancey said...

Sounds like one great mystery. I would love to read it. Please enter me. Thanks!


Anita Yancey said...

I am a subscriber!


carol said...

I love a good murder mystery book.

carol said...

I'm a subscriber #1

flowerchild said...

please count me in

Anonymous said...

This book sounds fabulous, I would love to win this, please enter me in the giveaway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter! (roxxyroller,coolcanucks)

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Thoughts from an Evil Overlord

Thank you!!

Thank you to Beth at Beth Fish Reads and to The Blogger Guide for helping me to customize my template and to Andrea at The Little Bookworm for improving my header!!

About Me

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New Hampshire, United States
Bibliophile, Anglophile, Traveller... I have been an avid reader all of my life, since I took the Dr. Seuss Dictionary away from my Mom when I was less than a year old because I wanted to read it myself. In college, where I earned my degree in English Literature, I was often asked "What are you going to do with it?" Now I finally have the answer to that question!!! Being employed as a Flight Attendant for twenty years has given me a lot of life experience and, better still, a lot of time to read. I love to travel for fun, too.