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You can find all of the Challenge information by clicking here or on the logo on my left sidebar. There are prizes folks! So come and join us.....
This Challenge was created by Michele at A Reader's Respite and Amy at Passages to the Past.
Diana Gabaldon's website is here.
Author Joshua Henkin is generously allowing me to give away a copy of his New York Times Notable Book Matrimony, to one lucky winner. Even better, he will personally sign and inscribe it to you!
"Julian saw her again, this time in the laundry room. He hoped she didn't notice that next to him, clearly in his possession, was a package of fabric softener. He had a book of stories by Ernest Hemingway, and he placed the book on top of the fabric softener, to balance the picture out.
Mia from Montreal sorted her clothes at her feet. There was a colors pile and a whites pile, and Julian thrust his face into his book so she wouldn't think he was staring at her laundry. Periodically, though, he glanced at Mia herself, who was even more beautiful than he remembered. She was wearing blue jeans and a gray V-neck T-shirt, and her hair was up in a bun."
This book has created quite a buzz in the book blogging world! Here are some reviews you can check out:
The 3 R's: Reading, 'Riting, and Randomness
Visit Joshua Henkin's website for links to his blog, author information and much more! He is very happy to participate in book group discussions and you can contact him and also download a reading group guide here. Read his fantastic guest post about book groups at Books on the Brain.
This contest is open worldwide. You can enter until 11:59 pm eastern time on December 23rd. One winner will be drawn at random and will receive a personally signed and inscribed copy.
For one entry, just leave me a comment on this post.
Let's try something different for some additional entries. You probably know that the book blogging community is encouraging everyone to buy books for the holidays. So, in that spirit, I will award up to three extra entries if you tell me what books you bought as gifts this holiday season and who will be receiving them. For each two books you purchased, I will give you an extra entry, up to three extra entries for six books. (For example, tell me: I bought **** for my best friend and **** for my nephew, fill in the ****s with the titles....easy! I am relying on your honesty, here!). Just leave the titles in your comment and I will add up your entries.
Plus there are two extra entries in it for anyone who blogs about the contest and links back here.
Winner will be drawn at random. Good luck everyone!
This book would make a wonderful holiday gift....
In ancient Ireland there came a time when the fairy folk, the Old Ones, could no longer inhabit the land. Clodagh's family have protected the forest of Sevenwaters for generations, it is one of the last refuges for the Fair Folk and there has always been an fragile peace. Clodagh is one of six daughters and at long, long last the baby boy that has been so hoped for is born to her parents.
Baby Finbar is only a few days old when he disappears and a doll made of twigs is left in his place. To Clodagh's dismay, she can see that the twig-baby is alive. She can see it breathe and move and hear its hungry cries. No one else can see this, only Clodagh, and she cannot bear to see the little stick baby die. It seems to her that the Fair Folk must want an exchange. While her father and his men search for a missing man that they suspect in the kidnapping, she packs a bag and the twig-baby and sets out to find her tiny brother.
Before long Clodagh meets the fugitive that her farther is looking for, Cathal, in the forest. He claims not to know anything about the baby's disappearance and Clodagh desperately wants to trust him. He becomes her companion in a quest that will require every ounce of their strength and courage if they are going to venture into the fairy realm and return home once again.
Juliet Marillier is one of my favorite authors. She takes ancient folklore tales from Ireland and Britain and breathes life into them. Her books are full of complex and interesting characters who always have a quest or task to complete or a mission to fulfill. The old landscapes and fairy realms are vividly described. This one is no exception. I'm always anxiously awaiting her latest book and have never been disappointed, they are wonderful.
This is the fourth book she has written about Sevenwaters but it is not necessary to have read the others before reading this one. Earlier characters do occur, but only peripherally, and this story stands easily on its own. If you like historical fiction with a little bit of magic thrown in, give these a try!
Visit Juliet Marillier's website here.
Heir to Sevenwaters is published by Roc. ISBN 978-0-451-46233-6
~This book would make a wonderful gift~
Here's another fantastic holiday giveaway from the generous people over at Hachette Book Group! To enter just leave a comment here by 11:59 pm eastern time on December 8. You must have a US or Canada mailing address (no PO Boxes). If there is no contact info in your blog id then please make sure you leave your email address.