Monday, December 8, 2008

I did it! I joined the fun at Twitter!

I can see that this could easily be totally addictive! How I'm going to add twittering to reading, posting, google reader, commenting, not to mention work (the thing that pays for all of the above), I can't imagine. But come follow me, I'll be glad to follow you!! My profile is here.


caite said...

I still do not get the appeal.....

The Tome Traveller said...

Me either, I'm a lemming, I admit! Maybe it will grow on me...

Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying it so far.

kalea_kane said...

I like Twitter. Though I must say I find lots more to twit about when I am driving. You see the most amusing sites and more nose pickers than I care to count. ICK

Marg said...

I am avoiding joining Twitter simply because I struggle to keep caught up with all the things I already do, let alone adding something else.

The Tome Traveller said...

How do you twit while driving? On your cell? That's the one time that I have "free time", driving! I'll have to try it...

I know, Marg, I don't have time either. I have time now, at 3 am, but no one is on there to twitter at NOW. It is kinda fun, though.

Anonymous said...

Have you added! :)

Thoughts from an Evil Overlord

Thank you!!

Thank you to Beth at Beth Fish Reads and to The Blogger Guide for helping me to customize my template and to Andrea at The Little Bookworm for improving my header!!

About Me

My photo
New Hampshire, United States
Bibliophile, Anglophile, Traveller... I have been an avid reader all of my life, since I took the Dr. Seuss Dictionary away from my Mom when I was less than a year old because I wanted to read it myself. In college, where I earned my degree in English Literature, I was often asked "What are you going to do with it?" Now I finally have the answer to that question!!! Being employed as a Flight Attendant for twenty years has given me a lot of life experience and, better still, a lot of time to read. I love to travel for fun, too.