Fate is still at work, though. Renowned but dissolute painter Filippo Lippi has been given the job of chaplain at Santa Margherita by his patrons, the powerful Medicis. He is at a low point, lacking inspiration, when he suddenly meets Lucrezia and her beauty inspires both his painting and his heart. Lucrezia is drawn to him in return, though any relationship between a monk and a novice nun is of course completely forbidden.
Beauty can be a blessing and a curse, as Lucrezia discovers when the powerful Prior General begins to force himself upon her. In desperation, she uses the uproar on the day of The Feast of the Sacred Belt to escape the convent and hide in the house of a wealthy family. But she meets Lippi on the way and ends up taking refuge in his home, instead. When the worst happens anyway, Lippi is willing to give up everything to protect her and keep her from further harm.
Human nature never changes, that is what makes stories like this one resonate down through the years. Don't we always want most what we can't have? Centuries have gone by and this still remains true. And there will always be those who can't resist greed, self importance, power...the villains then are not so very different from the villains now. This is the aspect of historical fiction that I most enjoy, that a dusty old story that has had the personality and emotion eroded from it by time can be renewed and made relevant by the imagination of an author (or authors, in this case). Now I wish I'd paid more attention in the single art history class I took in college...I remember it being boring, boring, boring. Too bad the professor didn't have a little of the talent of these authors, if he had added the stories behind the paintings...well, who knows where I'd be now! If you enjoy historical fiction you'll definitely want to read The Miracles of Prato
The Miracles of Prato
is published by Harper Collins, ISBN 978-0-06-155835-1
I received this book as part of the TLC Book Tour. For a complete list of blogs on the tour, click here.
Up for grabs is my gently read trade paperback copy! If you would like to enter just leave me a comment here that includes your email address. You can enter until midnight eastern on August 25th and the giveaway is open to anyone with a US or Canada mailing address. Thank you for visiting and entering!!
I fall more in love with historical fiction with every book I read - this one sounds great!
pubwrites at gmail dot com
Love historical fiction and would love to win!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Thank you for including me. =)
tiredwkids at live dot com
I love art and art history, so I bet I'd love this book!
This is a book I'd enjoy!
Thank you for the giveaway!!
I've taken several art history classes and I've got to admit, not one professor went into the stories behind the art. You're right: I would have been a goner had they just delved into that aspect instead of boring me to tears with the mediums they used and memorizing time periods.
This sounds like a lovely story, Carey!
ps....are we reading The Strain later this month???
I'd love to read this. Thanks for the possibility.
It sounds like a great story. Hope to read it!
Yes, please Michele! Name the day!
i enjoy historical fiction very much...thanks for the opportunity to read this one :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Please enter me. Thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com
You always choose such interesting books for your giveaways!
winterset AT peoplepc.com
Just recently I've discovered the joy of historical fiction with a connection to great art and artists. I would love win this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for featuring this wonderful historical fiction which sounds amazing. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
No need to enter me, as I have already read the book. I am so glad you liked it! I thought it was really engrossing and I loved the very tenacious love of Fra Fillipo for Lucrezia. It was a great book!
Love this novel and thanks. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
Looks absolutely lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I too was never interested in my art history classes but if they were more like this book I'm sure that would NOT have been the case.
I love the images you included in your review - it helps me to visualize the setting of the book. Thanks for being a part of the tour!
Count me in:)
This sounds wonderful! Thanks for putting it up for grabs.
misled DOT ghosts AT gmail DOT com
thank you for the giveaway!
thesibylqueen at gmail.com
I love historical fiction so please count me in.
chilty1014 at gmail dot com
I love Historical Fiction. Please count me in. Thanks!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. This book sounds great.
Ooh -- count me in too. Sounds like a good book. Thanks!!
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